
I will start by saying that I really Love Life and God and Family and Friends. I may be a little out there at times but I am just an ordinary old lady! I will add a lot of photo's that I take. I will add sayings that I hear and like or think that someone else may like. I will add slideshows and videos if I can figure that out on here too! So like I said

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Let's get healthy !

Finally my thyroid levels are a perfect number! Now I pray I will be on the healthy road! I am starting a Total Body Cleanse today along with Garcinia a dietary supplement. I got a lot of weight to lose ! 
I am weighing in at 189.4 
Today breakfast consisted of eggs & green onion fried in coconut oil with sharp cheddar cheese 
And naturally lots of water before and theny old favorite coffee wit half & half ! 
Now for lunch I am having half a sweet potato thin slices and baked in coconut oil, butter, flax seed, cinnamon, ginger & nutmeg. 

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