
I will start by saying that I really Love Life and God and Family and Friends. I may be a little out there at times but I am just an ordinary old lady! I will add a lot of photo's that I take. I will add sayings that I hear and like or think that someone else may like. I will add slideshows and videos if I can figure that out on here too! So like I said

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Had a lot of good help today! Got all the cans up and aluminum then took it all in and actually got $35.00, stopped by and got meat and grilled for us all ! After dinner I went to yoga class, which I am learning! I did okay , for someone old, worn out and very sickly! I had to sit through some of it due to some ailments. I think if and when we come up with the money to have my surgeries and I heal up I may be able to do a whole class. I am just glad to be able to get out of house, and try! I thank God everyday for my wonderful friends who keep pushing me around ,!!

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